Monday, June 28, 2010

Cameroon vs Nederland

Thursday was one of those days where you wake up ready for the day to be almost over. I don't say that in a negative sense, but in the sense that the World Cup game I was going to started at 8:30pm. I still had to go through school and four hours of service before I got there though. Classes went uneventfully (only 6 left) and service did as well (with the exception of the little girl who ate a used piece of gum I had put inside a wrapper in my pocket). Finally it was time. I donned my spirit and vuvuzela and took the train to downtown Capetown.This was an experience like I have never felt before. I could only imagine it being 10x the spirit of a Notre Dame game day. People were dressed in ridiculous outfits. There were a surprising amount of Netherland fans. I thought there would have been more Cameroon fans due to the distance from South Africa. While there is much to say about the experience, I have a hard time putting it into words without pictures, so this post will be picture heavy. There was an electricity in the air, and the anticipation of seeing gods of the pitch take to the field. It was amazing seeing people that I only recognized in video games and television up close-and REAL. Netherlands won 2-1. Even after the game, the loss/victory did not dampen spirits of any side. People still cheered, drank, and had a jolly time. This was a experience I will not forget.
^^^me joining in the deafening vuvuzela buzz. Each vuvuzela buzz boasts up to 120 db: the equivalent of a chainsaw or a car horn.
^^^ Click for the entire, full quality picture panorama

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting opportunity. I can't even comprehend the collective noise those vuvuzelas make!!! I hope you can still hear! The gum story is so cute. Tell us more about your service work in your next blog if you can. Love you. You are awesome!
